
Yearly horoscope for

The year of the DOG 2018

16 Feb 2018 - 4 Feb 2019

2017 <-- -1 year    -    year +1 --> 2019


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The Rat

5 February 1924 - 24 January 1925
24 January 1936 - 10 February 1937
10 February 1948 - 28 January 1949
28 January 1960 - 14 February 1961
15 February 1972 - 2 February 1973
2 February 1984 - 19 February 1985
19 February 1996 - 6 February 1997
7 February 2008 - 25 January 2009

After the very bad last year, calm slowly returns. This year will be crowned with unexpected success.

First half of the year:  To begin from the first semester it goes forward slowly, but against the mid-year start then the successes.

Second half of the year:  The Second semester is good to very good. Towards the end of year, you can reap the fruits of The renewed success, and it gets even better.

The Ox

25 January 1925 - 12 February 1926
11 February 1937 - 30 January 1938
29 January 1949 - 16 February 1950
15 February 1961 - 4 February 1962
3 February 1973 - 22 January 1974
20 February 1985 - 8 February 1986
7 February 1997 - 27 January 1998
26 January 2009 - 13 February 2010

The big Ox in the year of the Dog. This is one of the hardest years of the Ox. Now he/they has to work hard. Above all he/they should go smaller disputes out of the way. It is not satisfied with the Ox. As if the little dog would grab him/her by the heels.

First half of the year:  The first semester is ery hard. The small quarrels add up.

Second half of the year:  The second semester is not the best.

The Tiger

13 February 1926 - 1 February 1927
31 January 1938 - 18 February 1939
17 February 1950 - 5 February 1951
5 February 1962 - 24 January 1963
23 January 1974 - 10 February 1975
9 February 1986 - 28 January 1987
28 January 1998 - 15 February 1999
14 February 2010 - 2 February 2011

The year of the dog is almost sufficient to very good for the feline. It/they would be to think over the last two years: who were the real friends.

First half of the year:  After the last two disastrous years (except high-performance athletes) the first semester is reasonably well. Since the Tigers can recover and get a few little goals.

Second half of the year:  The second semester is also well, But the Tiger should take care of his ailing health, because the last two years was very stressful. Older Tigers should take care of their circulation. Now you can thinking about the realisation of high-plans and projects.

The Rabbit

2 February 1927 - 22 January 1928
19 February 1939 - 7 February 1940
6 February 1951 - 26 January 1952
25 January 1963 - 12 February 1964
11 February 1975 - 30 January 1976
29 January 1987 - 16 February 1988
16 February 1999 - 4 February 2000
3 February 2011 - 22 January 2012

This is not a pleasant year of the Rabbit. The eloquent rabbit can not manage with his diplomacy to controlling the situation. Nur im Sport und an der Front er etwas zu erreichen, aber nicht am Arbeitsplatz.

First half of the year:  The first half year is insufficient to good. Much as you can not pick out.

Second half of the year:  During the second half of year could also appear in older rabbits have health problems. The small successes or failures continue until the the end of the year.

The Dragon

23 January 1928 - 9 February 1929
8 February 1940 - 26 January 1941
27 January 1952 - 13 February 1953
13 February 1964 - 1 February 1965
31 January 1976 - 17 February 1977
17 February 1988 - 5 February 1989
5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001
23 January 2012 - 9 February 2013

This is a good year for the Dragon. Rarely it can cause a failure. But even a failure can help the dragon because he/they learned very quickly from his mistakes.

First half of the year:  The calm from last year is over. Large activities are underway. Only rarely is it a failure.

Second half of the year:  The second half of year is very good. The Dragon can reach almost all of his targets if he tries to do so.

The Snake

10 February 1929 - 29 January 1930
27 January 1941 - 14 February 1942
14 February 1953 - 2 February 1954
2 February 1965 - 20 January 1966
18 February 1977 - 6 February 1978
6 February 1989 - 26 January 1990
24 January 2001 - 11 February 2002
10 February 2013 - 30 January 2014

The year of the Doges is a good year for the snake. Failures can also occur, but are rare.

First half of the year:  The first 6 months passed off peacefully and without major problems. Nevertheless, caution is advised and the snake should not be negligent.

Second half of the year:  Also the second half of year runs quietly. But caution is warranted.

The Horse

30 January 1930 - 16 February 1931
15 February 1942 - 4 February 1943
3 February 1954 - 23 January 1955
21 January 1966 - 8 February 1967
7 February 1978 - 27 January 1979
27 January 1990 - 14 February 1991
12 February 2002 - 31 January 2003
31 January 2014 - 18 February 2015

The year of the Doges is for the horse a great and successful year. It is a year where the horse shows full activity and should finish successfully its projects and plans until November.

First half of the year:  In spring and summer it is in full gallop towards the goal successful. The partners of Horse was advised to let the reins fall and do not pull on it. This would be wrong and counterproductive.

Second half of the year:  Also the fall has been very successful and now the horse must necessarily enter into its projects. In the winter, suddenly gray clouds appeared in the sky and the horse should retire to his stall.

The Goat

17 February 1931 - 5 February 1932
5 February 1943 - 24 January 1944
24 January 1955 - 11 February 1956
9 February 1967 - 29 January 1968
28 January 1979 - 15 February 1980
15 February 1991 - 3 February 1992
1 February 2003 - 21 January 2004
19 February 2015 - 7 February 2016

Im Year des Doges must the goat over hill and dale. But it is just an average gap year. The Goat is advised to forge in this Year plans and projects for the next Year. Only what looks very successfully, that they should take out with full commitment now.

First half of the year:  In January, it running still around for The Goat. Then begins the obstacle course. The Goat is advised to be careful where she steps well. Success and failure are in this year together tightly.

Second half of the year:  In the fall there is no better. However, the obstacles in the winter begin to disappear.

The Monkey

6 February 1932 - 25 January 1933
25 January 1944 - 12 February 1945
12 February 1956 - 30 January 1957
30 January 1968 - 16 February 1969
16 February 1980 - 4 February 1981
4 February 1992 - 22 January 1993
22 January 2004 - 8 February 2005
8 February 2016 - 27 January 2017

For the Monkey, the year of the Doges is the purest paradise. The Monkey would really be dissipated so as not to reach the goal of his desires. This Year succeed in everything.

First half of the year:  in January, are slowly clearing the gray clouds of last year. In spring and summer, it then goes uphill fast. It is a time of successful activity of the monkey.

Second half of the year:  Autumn and winter are also very successful, and The Monkey should begin to complete all his plans and projects.

The Rooster

26 January 1933 - 13 February 1934
13 February 1945 - 1 February 1946
31 January 1957 - 17 February 1958
17 February 1969 - 5 February 1970
5 February 1981 - 24 January 1982
23 January 1993 - 9 February 1994
9 February 2005 - 28 January 2006
28 January 2017 - 15 February 2018

the year of the Dogeis in principle a very active and successful Year for the Rooster. But The Rooster must taking care not to be well put in saucepan. Full commitment is required by this year are successfully able to. This Year, anything is possible.

First half of the year:  The first half is very bumpy year for the Rooster. But if the motivation is there, it will make it.

Second half of the year:  The autumn goes through as the first half year. In the winter, but gray clouds in the sky appear to the ordinary citizen rooster. So be warned again succeeding Year.

The Dog

14 February 1934 - 3 February 1935
2 February 1946 - 21 January 1947
18 February 1958 - 7 February 1959
6 February 1970 - 26 January 1971
25 January 1982 - 12 February 1983
10 February 1994 - 30 January 1995
29 January 2006 - 17 February 2007
16 February 2018 - 4 February 2019

For the Dog is the Year of the teres Roos a successful but quiet time. This year, some will succeed in to the dog. The dog can conclude this Year, or to move what it wants to the next Year. It's going to be successful.

First half of the year:  The January runs reasonably well. Then there is an excellent spring and summer.

Second half of the year:  The autumn is also very good and successful for the Dog, and The Winter's getting even better

The Pig

4 February 1935 - 23 January 1936
22 January 1947 - 9 February 1948
8 February 1959 - 27 January 1960
27 January 1971 - 14 February 1972
13 February 1983 - 1 February 1984
31 January 1995 - 18 February 1996
18 February 2007 - 6 February 2008
5 February 2019 - 24 January 2020

The year of the Doges is a very successful and excellent year for the Pig. Nevertheless, it should be careful that is a hole somewhere where you can fall into it. So watch where you feet fall. The ordinary citizen can now forget the problems of last Year.

First half of the year:  In January, the gray clouds are slowly from the sky of the Pig. Spring and autumn is a great time when we can finally do something.

Second half of the year:  Fall and winter are still better, and The Pig can relax slowly.

= excellent

= very bad

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