
Sagittarius - Snake

The double sign of the zodiac Sagittarius - Snake

Two stubborn under one hat. But the nimble and patient Snake reduce a bit 'the excessive desire of wanting to impose Sagittarius in front of everyone. Warning, this Sagittarius can pounce from behind a bush. The enemies are eliminated subtly.

It is a diligent worker. Agile, but right at the same time also treacherous. This is very helpful for his career.

The opposite sex is considered "free hunting prey." The woman Sagittarius-Snake is often very attractive, feminine and dressed very sexy, to which no real man can resist for long.

The Snake will always take care of her children. The partner then it is not so important.

If there is a steady partner, then the Sagittarius Snake if it is chosen by itself and is almost always the right one. Of course it should have brought a good dowry in marriage.

Prominent people VIP Sagittarius-Snake:
Erwin_von_Witzleben 4.12.1881

The Sagittarius  November 22 - December 20

The impulsive and optimistic Sagittarius, which remains almost always friendly. He wants to improve the world. A speaker convincing. Its mission is justice. Unfortunately only he knows how. For this reason it is not eligible to be a judge, because it would take place immediately for a party.

A boss too hard, which often is not accepted, although inside the shell there is only the good. A tireless worker immediately ready to help his colleagues, but then does not have the patience to explain the same thing 2 times. This is the "quietest" among the signs of the fire.

Her expectations are too high in the world. For the community goes above and beyond.

Often friend animals and nature. Conservative, but tolerant to new ideas. A positive thinker.

How to conquer the Sagittarius man:
Get yourself invited to a Sagittarius man walk in the mountains or by the sea. Or to a mount between the green meadows. Even a bike ride would not hurt. Take along some good sandwiches and show them to be orderly and socially. If you feel within you the need to be home too, then perhaps, it might be the wrong one.

How to conquer the Sagittarius woman:
La donna Sagittario si può prendere nei vostri viaggi o andare a frugare in oggetti d'antiquariato con lei. Then look to have enough room in the car for all that you have purchased it. Take walks with her and her dog. It will meet you if you want. Otherwise it will remain a good friend for your whole life.

The Snake

It is a Chinese zodiac sign, with a strong will. A being from the deep thoughts, feelings, astute and mysterious. Give much importance to his presence, that has to be impeccable. Especially the snake women are always well dressed and sexy and often face the hairdresser. Snakes usually have their own opinion adamant. The snake is vindictive.
This sign tends to overstimate. But it is also an intriguing seductive. For a woman snake men often can not resist. The snake woman knows she is superior to any male, and so do not ask many questions on equal rights.
The snake man always earns a lot of money and into company has a strong influence.
The snake has a forked tongue. It is capable of philosophizing. It is not very diligent at work but is able to make others work for themselves. So always reach its goal.

How to conquer the Snake man:
To conquer the snake man dress up classic, stylish and sexy. You need to be very attractive but without falling in the primitive. Do not say yes right away. Give yourself the time to let yourself be seduced. The snake man strongly believes in his abilities as a seducer. Let this belief. Even later.

How to conquer the Snake woman:
To conquer the snake woman you need to impeccable clothes. Invite her in an exclusive place. But never, ever in a restaurant a few coins, or even in a shop for snacks. It wants the luxury and a man with a good regular income. If you can invite her to your apartment, make sure that this is in order and clean. Let possibly somewhere a saving book well endowed you can not see right away. The snake woman has the 6th sense to find it and check it .......

Snake-Sagittarius - Astrology