Virgo - Rat
The double sign of the zodiac Virgo - Rat
Save save and save again. That's what makes the Virgo-Rat willingly. The luxury would be nice but it costs too much. A beautiful dress is considering an investment in order to be able to better present in society. More luxury is not necessary. The own home must be impeccably clean.
It is a financial genius in relation to stocks and bonds. They are willingly n. 2 with which it can handle very quietly the n. 1.
The children of this double sign suffer a bit 'cold but material goods will not miss them anything.
The male partner of the Rat-Virgo should be a gentleman and the female partner should be reserved for a lady who submits willingly. The bedroom is of normal importance.
Prominent people VIP Virgo-Rat:
Leo Tolstoi 9.09.1828
Erich Honegger 25.08.1912
Damon Hill 17.09.1960
The Virgo Augusdt 23 - September 22