Leo - Goat
The double sign of the zodiac Leo - Goat
With the energy of Leo, the Goat comes out of his shell. The road to the top is sure. The Goat sensitive and patient is able to calm the Leo too decisive. The Leo, which often overestimates, fails to eliminate the inferiority complex of the Goat. Yet the pessimism of the Goat is made objective by the optimism of Leo. From this it is a very sociable and intelligent.
In this sign will work career because the reflections objective of the Goat will be implemented by Leo who will drop away those subjective.
The Goat will always take care of the family and children.
As a partner we look for someone that does not hurt the pride of Leo. Then it should be fine.
Prominent people VIP Leo-Goat:
Benito Mussolini 29.07.1883
Gianni Rivera 18.08.1943
The Leo July 23 - August 22