Cancer - Rat
The double sign of the zodiac Cancer - Rat
A sign a little 'introvert. Can not stand the criticism on his person. But once home critically reflects on himself. In the depths of his soul there are the anxieties of existence. A savings account well endowed can give the Cancer-Rat a bit of internal security.
The diligent and sensitive Cancer-Rat learn only the profession who believes he can do well. This means that a person in his work is excellent, with lots of experience and full of ideas. Thanks to these features the Rat-Cancer in the long term will make a career.
It is a very homely sign, and Cancer is loyal to his family.
Looking for a partner affectionate and understanding. Cancer-Rat not ask caresses, but would like them. The bedroom is important.
Prominent people VIP Cancer-Rat:
Zinédine Zidane 23.06.1972
The Cancer June 22 - July 22