Gemini - Goat
The double sign of the zodiac Gemini - Goat
The actor was born. Laughs easily and is able to make others laugh. Does not perceive everything too seriously what revolves around it. It is a cheerful lady or a gentleman. They have many friends to whom much damage and in exchange recover double.
The patience of the Goat to make career to Gemini. The energy of Gemini pushes the Goat upwards.
The Goat will always take care of the family.
We are seeking a partner who takes the Gemini-Goat as they are. Then you should go out with Gemini 2 or 3 times a week in the evening. The Goat returns, late at night, willingly in his stable. And the bleating of a goat who bothers? The bedroom is of medium importance.
Prominent people VIP Gemini-Goat:
Paul Stoddart 26.05.1955
Tim Berners-Lee 8.06.1955
The Gemini May 21 - June 21