Gemini - Rabbit
The double sign of the zodiac Gemini - Rabbit
The eloquence of the Rabbit and Gemini multiplied by 2. From them you should not believe anything of what they say. The diplomat and politician born. But often the Rabbit-Gemini believes just what it says.
The Gemini-Rabbit should always work in international politics. Could make the world more peaceful. They hate the quarrels at home.
The Rabbit will always take care of her children.
Looking for a partner who will listen willingly fantastic stories of the Gemini-Rabbit and which does not disturb if there are one or two lovers. Rest assured that the Rabbit will remain platonic very loyal.
Prominent people VIP Gemini-Rabbitn:
Queen Victoria, 24 May 1819
James Clerk Maxwell, 13 June 1831
Bertha von Suttner, 9 June 1843
Jackie Stewart, 11 June 1939
Angelina Jolie, 4 June 1975
Novak_Dokovic, 22 May 1987
The Gemini May 21 - June 21