
Gemini - Rabbit

The double sign of the zodiac Gemini - Rabbit

The eloquence of the Rabbit and Gemini multiplied by 2. From them you should not believe anything of what they say. The diplomat and politician born. But often the Rabbit-Gemini believes just what it says.

The Gemini-Rabbit should always work in international politics. Could make the world more peaceful. They hate the quarrels at home.

The Rabbit will always take care of her children.

Looking for a partner who will listen willingly fantastic stories of the Gemini-Rabbit and which does not disturb if there are one or two lovers. Rest assured that the Rabbit will remain platonic very loyal.

Prominent people VIP Gemini-Rabbitn:
Queen Victoria, 24 May 1819
James Clerk Maxwell, 13 June 1831
Bertha von Suttner, 9 June 1843
Jackie Stewart, 11 June 1939
Angelina Jolie, 4 June 1975
Novak_Dokovic, 22 May 1987

The Gemini  May 21 - June 21

The powerful of the gemini is the communication, curiosity and quick thoughts. Eloquent, elusive and contradictory. The Gemini would always make a lot of things simultaneously, are always too many things at once. Especially the young Geminis are restless and always on the go. Each week a new goal.
Like all air signs, the twins love luxury, and good behavior. They hate the pointless violence.
Gemini is able, the next morning, to change their ideas and lifestyle, because their intelligence always try something new, and so are able to make an unexpected turn of 180 °.
They are diplomatic, tolerant and freedom-loving. They are not ready to submit, but even to subdue. They were born individualists.
Geminis did not say what they think, because their thoughts are subject to an absolute privacy. Will always say what you want to hear.
Geminis are part of the most irrational and misunderstood persons. Without the brilliance, irrationality and imagination of the gemini, our world would be a gray and gloomy planet.

How to conquer the Gemini man:
The man born under the sign of Gemini you can win only with intelligence, communication and let live. And all this only for a short period. You have to talk intelligently and behave like a lady, then you have a little luck.

How to conquer the Gemini woman:
Yet the woman born under the sign of Gemini you can win with intelligence and communication, but above all with impeccable behavior of gentleman. Forget the final conquest of the woman of the gemini. There will never let her enter the virtual world.

The Rabbit

The Rabbit is tolerant and eloquent. The good friend. An interlocutor with lots of diplomatic tact. The best democratic political. IShe i always dressed in the traditional way, not exuberant. An excellent hostess. One of the most loved chinese zodiac sign.
The Rabbit is one of the best mothers and optimally protects her children. She and he wants to end any dispute. The Rabbit is a bit shy and loves his 4 walls of everything. The lair of the Rabbit is always very clean and furnished in a classical style. A sign conservative who never rushes things.

Rabbits and cats always fall on their 4 legged friends! The Rabbit needs a strong and docile partner that brings a little stability at home. The partner and the children will not miss anything.

How to conquer the Rabbit man:
To win over the hare you should dress and classically feminine. You must be as gentle as a kitten and be seduced into a romantic place. The Rabbit man, very calm, he knows exactly what he wants and should then be affectionate for life.

How to conquer the Rabbit woman:
Invite the woman rabbit for dinner. We present classic dress, impeccable, and with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The ports in a luxury restaurant and are very affectionate with the Rabbit woman. The affection and romance should then last for a lifetime, otherwise leave it alone.

Rabbit - Gemini - Gemini-Gatto - Astrology