
Gemini - Tiger

The double sign of the zodiac Gemini - Tiger

Here we are again in front of a victim of psychologists for children who speak of hyperactivity, Ritalin and drugs. The child Gemini-Tiger would have only needed a large green lawn, for run all day. Maybe the day of a football field and in the evening hours of karate. Then he would sleep well that night.

2 super individualistic, and 2 super idealists in a single pack. Both of them full of energy, a desire to do something and desire to travel. The perfect rebel leader!

Here the parents of little Tiger-Gemini should provide a good education to the child. Then it will not stop then when no one will go on the career ladder.

His children can do what they want. Woe to you if you are of another opinion!

Only a partner who takes daily vitamins and doping able to stand behind this cheerful sign. But did you really want to do?

Prominent people VIP Gemini-Tiger:
Théodore_Maunoir 1.06.1806
Stan Laurel 16.06.1890
Marilyn Monroe 1.06.1926
Rafael Nadal 3.06.1986
Renato Brunetta 26.05.1950

The Gemini  May 21 - June 21

The powerful of the gemini is the communication, curiosity and quick thoughts. Eloquent, elusive and contradictory. The Gemini would always make a lot of things simultaneously, are always too many things at once. Especially the young Geminis are restless and always on the go. Each week a new goal.
Like all air signs, the twins love luxury, and good behavior. They hate the pointless violence.
Gemini is able, the next morning, to change their ideas and lifestyle, because their intelligence always try something new, and so are able to make an unexpected turn of 180 °.
They are diplomatic, tolerant and freedom-loving. They are not ready to submit, but even to subdue. They were born individualists.
Geminis did not say what they think, because their thoughts are subject to an absolute privacy. Will always say what you want to hear.
Geminis are part of the most irrational and misunderstood persons. Without the brilliance, irrationality and imagination of the gemini, our world would be a gray and gloomy planet.

How to conquer the Gemini man:
The man born under the sign of Gemini you can win only with intelligence, communication and let live. And all this only for a short period. You have to talk intelligently and behave like a lady, then you have a little luck.

How to conquer the Gemini woman:
Yet the woman born under the sign of Gemini you can win with intelligence and communication, but above all with impeccable behavior of gentleman. Forget the final conquest of the woman of the gemini. There will never let her enter the virtual world.

The Tiger

The Tiger is undisciplined and risks willingly. An unpredictable idealist. Always in blujeans. Globetrotter unabated. Does not care about the formalities. Very sociable. In what he wants to do is very determined, rather undecided about what she does not care much. Love freedom more than anything. Goes crazy if locked in the house. The tiger is incorrigible optimist. He is not afraid of anything and is very determined.
The Tigers are getting what they want to do. Even if they are half dead on the ground, and trampled stunned, then get up and continue the road that they wanted to take.

It is a leader, stubborn but you can criticize whenever you want. Accept criticism.
It also gives to a stranger his last shirt. The material assets and the money is not very interested at this individualist.
In hunting and in disputes the tiger is unpredictable and can not be calculated. This is its real strong.
Warning: The tiger you can jump him from behind a bush. There, where no one would have expected. And if the tiger is seriously injured, then retreats into the jungle to lick his wounds. And when everyone believes that now is dead and eaten by worms, then jump you upon unexpectedly.

How to conquer the Tiger man:
Here you can serve very lovingly tease the Tiger man. Provoking a little the Tiger man, can be useful. Invite him to the next snack-bar. There, standing at the table, you can get a little closer.

How to conquer the Tiger woman:
The woman Tiger you can expect to picnic on top of the highest mountain in your region. Or behind a waterfall of a river. Even a trip in a rowing boat would not hurt. But do not forget to bring back some good sandwiches and mineral water. And provoking she a little with great affection. But everything has its limit. Do not provoke the woman tiger too, because this, when he's had enough of you is able to jump out of an airplane without a parachute, or diving into the water and swim to shore.

Tiger - Gemini - Astrology