Pisces - Horse
The double sign of the zodiac Pisces - Horse
A cute little fish of pure blood? This is a Horse able to reflect even more accurately. A horse in full gallop is able to move at a trot, as if nothing was. This is not a sea horse. This Horse manages to overcome all obstacles. The Horse-Pisces is very popular and help right away if you ask.
In the work can go on without having to use the shoulders. Even if it were to last a little longer, because the patience of Pisces supports it long.
The family is very important.
It is a romantic Horse to search a partner affectionate and a bit 'passionate. With the right partner this Horse would also accept a medium fence. You expertise of its partners ride it well, why did you leave willingly ride. Especially in the bedroom, otherwise the fish run away. You have been warned ...
Prominent people VIP Pesci-Horse:
Antonio Vivaldi 4.03.1678
Wilhelm Grimm 24.02.1786
Frédéric Chopin 1.03.1810
Dino Zoff 28.02.1942
Willi Weber 11.03.1942
The Pisces February 19 - March 20