
Capricorn - Rooster

The double sign of the zodiac Capricorn - Rooster

The double diligence in work and without any fear. This is the Capricorn-Rooster. A little too conservative. Both the zodiac signs are distinguished by a boundless patience and a high capacity to impose itself. A little too reserved to the outside, but with a heart of gold inside that nobody sees. The proud and aggressive Rooster does go full throttle Capricorn straight towards his goal. The Rooster destroys any intrigue against Capricorn and Capricorn makes loyal to the Rooster.

It is a perfectionist reserved. Not much loved, but absolutely professional and precise in what he does.

The Capricorn-Gauls are exceptional parents. Maybe a little 'too severe, but children still feel the intense heat of the love of their parents.

Looking for a partner that behind the confidentiality and severity of this double sign is able to grasp the heart of solid gold. The bedroom is of the utmost importance for at least an hour or two a day and is under the absolute privacy.

Prominent people VIP Capricorn-Rooster:
Mehmet Ali Agca 9.01.1958
Hamid Karzai 24.12.1957

The Capricorn   December 21 - January 19

Capricorn is a realist who works hard to achieve his goal. This zodiac sign of success needs to be satisfied. The man and woman born under this sign stand with their foot stuck in the ground. Though the Capricorn needs its own personal account at the bank and its untouchable self, a spouse will still perfect. With the right partner remains faithful all his life.
With the money Capricorn we can do and if the Capricorn man does not have enough money, then marries the money. Love surely follow. It may very well put together with love and money and remains faithful to a spouse. Very conservative. The disco is not so important.
His few friends can never complain.
Capricorn is a serious person, determined and constant.

How to conquer the Capricorn man:
The Capricorn man is very cautious in love. Wanting to seduce a Capricorn man is very difficult. Perseverance and patience will be your forte. He does not like it at all if you throw the first time. At least you do not know him long ago. Tell him it's the best of the best and let them see that you are not a spendthrift.

How to conquer the Capricorn woman:
The Capricorn woman is also very cautious. Tell him how beautiful and make her laugh. Be a bit 'of time for the "first time". Then you will have for life a package great for day and night.

The Rooster

The rooster is proud of himself and very courageous. Must be respected. Very conservative. He's with his feet firmly on the ground. Often argue with all their lovers. It has a high sense of vainglory. Nevertheless, it is a reliable friend. Woe to anyone who give a damn because he loves the truth than anything else. The roosters enjoy traveling. The luxury that can appeal to Rooster, but it can also give it up if everything else is in order.
For the man and the woman rooster is sex is the most important part of a wedding.
The rooster is a diligent perfectionist. The job executes it carefully.
Caution: If you wound the rooster in his honor or in his love can become brutally aggressive.

How to conquer the Rooster man:
To conquer the male rooster serves an intelligent woman. With "geese" we willingly moves the holidays, but not the life. If you know of one that you want to have, then discuss with him. And you should give them wrong where you feel you need, because the man Rooster love intelligent women. Do not say yes right away and then when you said you should show him that you have a nice consistency to bed ..... then it will be all yours.

How to conquer the Rooster woman:
Seduce the woman rooster can be very difficultbecause it is not a chicken and sure of herself, emancipated and loves the truth. To win her need a real man, who is also intelligent, with whom you can discuss and is powerful enough to bed. Invite her in a traditional restaurant with good food. The kitchen is more important than luxury. Because for the rooster performance is more important than the appearance.

Rooster - Capricorn - Astrology