The Sagittarius - Astro144

The Sagittarius  November 22 - December 20

The impulsive and optimistic Sagittarius, which remains almost always friendly. He wants to improve the world. A speaker convincing. Its mission is justice. Unfortunately only he knows how. For this reason it is not eligible to be a judge, because it would take place immediately for a party.

A garment too hard, which often is not accepted, although inside the shell there is only the good. A tireless worker immediately ready to help his colleagues, but then does not have the patience to explain the same thing 2 times. This is the "quietest" among the signs of the fire.

Her expectations are too high in the world. For the community goes above and beyond.

Often friend animals and nature. Conservative, but tolerant to new ideas. A positive thinker.

How to conquer the Sagittarius man:
Get yourself invited to a Sagittarius man walk in the mountains or by the sea. Or to a mount between the green meadows. Even a bike ride would not hurt. Take along some good sandwiches and show them to be orderly and socially. If you feel within you the need to be home too, then perhaps, it might be the wrong one.

How to conquer the Sagittarius woman:
The Sagittarius woman you may take it in your travels below or go rummaging in antiques with her. Then look to have enough room in the car for all that you have purchased it. Take walks with her and her dog. It will meet you if you want. Otherwise it will remain a good friend for your whole life.

Popularity: Much loved (a) and sometimes a little 'obnoxious (a).

Temperament: Very temperamental, passionate, direct and courageous. He is not afraid of anything.

Character: Always try to impose his ideas. He is honest and frank.

Patience: Little to medium.

Sex: Passionate balanced and important.

Loyalty: Very faithful to the right partner, otherwise it is replaced.

Family and children: Media family responsibilities that Sagittarius would like to include in its social community. A little cold towards children who will never miss anything.

Capacity to impose itself: He trips on his expectations too high, since it has a high requirement to impose his ideas.

Professions: Political, veterinarian, doctor, engineer, teacher, farmer biologist and scientist.

Sagittarius - Rat Sagittarius - Ox Sagittarius - Tiger
Sagittarius - Rabbit Sagittarius - Dragon Sagittarius - Snake
Sagittarius - Horse Sagittarius - Sheep Sagittarius - Monkey
Sagittarius - Rooster Sagittarius - Dog Sagittarius - Pig

Married life between Sagittarius and the other zodiac signs. The love compatibility, without taking into consideration the Chinese signs:
The union between Aries and Sagittarius will be perfect. They have a lot in common and they know impose both. The Chinese signs can give only a little annoyance between these two, but they can not destroy this harmony.
The earth of Taurus is able to extinguish the fire of Sagittarius. Nevertheless, it could be a union passable, if the Chinese signs corresponded well with each other.
Sagittarius and Gemini will have a good connection together. Gemini and Sagittarius have a good love compatibility. The Chinese signs, however, may improve or worsen this connection.
The cool, proud, energetic Sagittarius will pitiful the cancer. Sagittarius is one way or want to implement his plans. The sensitive cancer will not be happy in this relationship. An insufficient connection.
Perfect relationship between Leo and Sagittarius. These 2 fire signs you understand the fly. Also Sagittarius is not never hurt the pride of the Lion. The Chinese signs here can disturb only a little or perhaps establish strong this relationship for a lifetime.
The Sagittarius will never understand the Virgo who is always on the part of financial security. This union ends in open quarrel that will end badly. Even the Chinese signs here will not help much.
The Sagittarius with the elegant Libra can create a harmonious relationship. Even here the Chinese astrology can improve or worsen this report. But it will certainly never be a bad relationship.
The firmness of Sagittarius and Scorpio can make well these two friends, but married life in common leads to the certain catastrophe. 2 commanders with very different points of view.
2 identici segni zodiacali sono sempre armoniosi tra di loro. Ma attenzione, vi potrebbe venire a noia. Fate qualcosa!
The extroverted Sagittarius together with the introverted Capricorn. Both are honest, but a relationship that the old rule: Fire and Earth do not mix. These two signs have too little in common to make happy their relationship.
The union between Aquarius and Sagittarius is always good. Both are fanatics of justice and the Aquarian is a great judge. With a good mix of Chinese signs here, there can be create a solid relationship.
The sentimental Pisces could be treated too harshly by the Sagittarius full of temperament. But thanks to love the peace of Fish and a couple of good Chinese signs, this relationship could last a long time.

The Sagittarius man - seduction - the Sagittarius woman - conquering - their love relationship - love affairs