The Gemini - Astro144

The Gemini  May 21 - June 21

The powerful of the gemini is the communication, curiosity and quick thoughts. Eloquent, elusive and contradictory. The Gemini would always make a lot of things simultaneously, are always too many things at once. Especially the young Geminis are restless and always on the go. Each week a new goal.
Like all air signs, the twins love luxury, and good behavior. They hate the pointless violence.
Gemini is able, the next morning, to change their ideas and lifestyle, because their intelligence always try something new, and so are able to make an unexpected turn of 180 °.
They are diplomatic, tolerant and freedom-loving. They are not ready to submit, but even to subdue. They were born individualists.
Geminis did not say what they think, because their thoughts are subject to an absolute privacy. Will always say what you want to hear.
Geminis are part of the most irrational and misunderstood persons. Without the brilliance, irrationality and imagination of the gemini, our world would be a gray and gloomy planet.

How to conquer the Gemini man:
The man born under the sign of Gemini you can win only with intelligence, communication and let live. And all this only for a short period. You have to talk intelligently and behave like a lady, then you have a little luck.

How to conquer the Gemini woman:
Yet the woman born under the sign of Gemini you can win with intelligence and communication, but above all with impeccable behavior of gentleman. Forget the final conquest of the woman of the gemini. There will never let her enter the virtual world.

Popularity: At first very popular, since they are very communicative and looking for new friends. After that very unpleasant, because the twins do not respect the agreements and perceive differently the word "truth". The strong intelligence of Gemini means the real truth in absolute, not the material and are not messy.

Temperament: Restless soul, always on the go.

Character: When it asks questions to Gemini, will always say what you want to hear, not what you would like to know, because their thoughts are top secret and must not be of interest to anyone.

Patience: They do not know what it is.

Sex: Normal. However, require a long foreplay.

Fidelity: Gemini is faithful to all mankind, not to the individual or the individual country to be. Why then bind?

Family: Anti-authoritarian education. Woe to him who touches children physically and also you have to let them vent all they want.

Capacity to impose: Geminis have no interest to impose themselves and seem superficial. But not at all.

Business: Journalist and TV reporter, professional travel, telephone operator call centers, stand-up comedian, TV moderator, officer of luxury cruise ship or PR-manager of a multinational enterprise.

Gemini - Rat Gemini - Ox Gemini - Tiger
Gemini - Rabbit Gemini - Dragon Gemini - Snake
Gemini - Horse Gemini - Sheep Gemini - Monkey
Gemini - Rooster Gemini - Dog Gemini - Pig

Married life between Gemini and the other zodiac signs. The love compatibility, without taking into consideration the Chinese signs:
The Gemini found in the self-confidence from Aries the required support. These two types of energy and freedom lovers will find the common way and the same friends. Aries can understand what the Gemini think into their very spirit, and so it does not matter if you do not verbally tell the truth.
The household Taurus with the travelers Gemini. An impossible connection. This relationship can only last a few years if the chinese signs are good among them. Otherwise, this report will be of very short duration.
2 identical signs of the zodiac are always harmonious with each other. But beware, you may be bored. Do something!
The heusehold Cancer, jealous and faithful, with the travelers Gemini who are always seeking a new adventure. This impossible connection will not last long. Maybe the chinese zodiac signs could hold a short time.
Lightnings energy hold together the Lion and Gemini. They will have a strong desire to travel and take lots of risks together. The Luxury of Leo will not disturb the Gemini. This is a good connection. Here can only disturb conflicting signs from China, but no more.
Gemini and Virgo are two different worlds. Can not be a long union. An impossible connection. Maybe with a perfect constellation of China is possible attain some years of relationship.
2 elegant people who enjoy traveling together they found. Libra and Gemini are signs that love freedom and they never say what they think. This connection is perfect, and should take a long time.
Gemini and Scorpio are so different that they should resign right from the start to a common relationship. The destruction of their relationship is already programmed when it starts. A very impossible connection. Not even the Chinese signs will be able to hold together this union.
Sagittarius and Gemini will have a good connection together. Gemini and Sagittarius have a good love compatibility. The Chinese signs, however, may improve or worsen this connection.
The introverted Capricorn, the whole house, together with the extroverted Gemini happy sleeping under the stars. An impossible connection. Not even the Chinese signs will be able to hold together this union for a long time.
Gemini and Aquarius is perfectly understanding and of each other they will live in perfect harmony. An excellent connection.
Will retain the Gemini Pisces romantically and with respect. But often absence in the house of the Gemini will break this relationship.

The Gemini man - seduce - the Gemini woman - conquer - amorous relationship - love affairs